Mariam Elhouli is a Business Woman who has two successful skincare labels. She’s a Business Coach who loves to share her knowledge and experience with business owners of a new generation.
And she recently penned a very enticing and emotional novel that’s going places. It’s hard to believe that someone who’s entrepreneurial can write such a captivating novel.
This novel ‘The Olive Tree’ became an overnight success and came on Amazon’s Best Seller List within days after its release.
“I knew there was a lot I did not understand – perhaps I was too naïve, too sheltered from the realities of the past. But, deep down, I knew there had to be a way forward, to bridge the conflict…” Nizma says.
The Olive Tree is a story of a 16-year-old girl, her family, and her friendship with her neighbour during the war that’s destroying the country she’s living in.
The impact this novel is making on the readers is life changing.
It’s making the readers think about their relationships with their family and friends. The story is making them think and reflect on the things they take for granted.
It’s rare to see a novel that is impacting the readers like this.
According to Amazon,
“Mariam El Houli’s The Olive Tree is a heartbreaking and gripping debut – a tale of friendship, strength and loss, and the fatal consequences systematic prejudice can have on a country’s people.”
If there’s one novel you would want to read this summer, make sure it’s ‘The Olive Tree’