The story of the remarkable force behind Miss Universe Persia and it’s appearance at the Miss Universe finals! Veni,vidi,vici!I came,I saw,I conquered!These famous words of legendary Roman general Julius Caesar after yet another crushing victory can now aptly be used to describe the historic and euphoric success of a woman named Golshan Bakhtiary who on March 20 in the eternal…
The story of the remarkable force behind Miss Universe Persia and it’s appearance at the Miss Universe finals! Veni,vidi,vici!I came,I saw,I conquered!These famous words of legendary Roman general Julius Caesar after yet another crushing victory can now aptly be used to describe the historic and euphoric success of a woman…
Read MoreMariam Elhouli is a Business Woman who has two successful skincare labels. She’s a Business Coach who loves to share her knowledge and experience with business owners of a new generation. And she recently penned a very enticing and emotional novel that’s going places. It’s hard to believe that someone…
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